Hi! I’m Maria LiPuma,
M.ED, Coach, Teacher & Trainer
I am passionate about my life’s work and grateful to have the opportunity to do it. As a result of my personal and professional background, I bring a unique understanding of the pain and struggle that people today often face. Sharing what I have learned and helping people overcome their struggles with food, weight, and body image is tremendously rewarding. In addition, I get to meet and work with some of the most amazing people.
I specialize in empowering people to transform their struggles with food, weight, and body image into experiences of personal growth, peace, and success.
For years I struggled with challenges with food, weight & body image, addictive behaviors, and low self-esteem. Motivated by my desire to end the struggle and find peace in these areas, I learned a lot. The path I have traveled and the healing I have experienced inspire the passion for the work I feel called to do today.
Among the many strategies and tools that I have learned and applied to my own life (and now teach to my clients and students), various cognitive-somatic techniques, including Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and Matrix Reimprinting, have significantly impacted results. They have been invaluable tools in helping me make peace with my emotions, addictions, and body image, stop the self-sabotage and finally step into my life positively. These techniques have empowered me to make choices that reflect self-love and self-respect in all areas of my life.
In my work with clients, my approach is gentle, compassionate, and focused. I provide an environment where my clients access their inner strength and innate wisdom, allowing them to accelerate their evolution and move forward in creating a more happy, fulfilling and purposeful life.
My education and professional background include the following:
- Food Psychology Coach
- Eating Disorders & Addictive Behaviors
- Master of Science in Education
- Modern Stress Management Facilitator
- EFT Master Practitioner & Trainer
- Modern Energy Tapping Pro
- Clinical EFT Levels 1 & 2
- Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
- EMO Master Practitioner
- Advanced Conversational Hypnosis
- Advanced PSYCH-K Facilitator
- 200-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher
- Mindfulness Practitioner
- Ho’oponopono Practitioner