Disclaimer in Coaching, Facilitating and Teaching Mind-Body Nutrition, Modern Stress Management, Energy Balancing Techniques, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and Advanced Conversational Hypnosis.
This website seeks to teach Mind-Body Nutrition, Modern Stress Management Techniques, Energy Balancing Techniques, Emotional Freedom Techniques, EMO: Energy in Motion, Matrix Reimprinting, and Advanced Conversational Hypnosis with the desired result helping people reach and maintain their health goals. For the purpose of describing these techniques in this disclaimer, all of the teaching, encouragement and goals for you will be summed up by the word “Techniques.”
These Techniques are not specifically intended or designed to diagnose or treat any particular physical or mental condition. Before you begin learning these Techniques, please first consult your health care professional(s). Ms. LiPuma does not claim to be licensed health care professional or therapist. The information on the site is meant merely to inspire and educate. Mind-Body Nutrition (MBN), Modern Stress Management Techniques (MSM), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Matrix Reimprinting (MR), Energy in Motion (EMO), PSYCH-K, and Advanced Conversational Hypnosis (ACH) are considered experimental self-help tools and the information on this site will not help everyone. This website (including all audios, videos, and written material) carries no implied warranty or guarantee. You are strongly encouraged to discuss your use of MSM, EFT, EMO, Matrix Reimprinting and PSYCH-K with your healthcare professional(s).
Accessing, downloading, listening to, or viewing the information on this site does not constitute entering into a contractual relationship with Maria LiPuma. Teaching these Techniques does not represent diagnosing, treating, or preventing any medical or psychological condition. You are assuming all risks associated with using MBN, MSM, EFT, EMO, MR, ACH, and/or PSYCH-K.
Participants in these techniques will be taught Techniques such as Modern Stress Management Techniques (MSM), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Energy in Motion (EMO), Matrix Reimprinting (MR), Advanced Conversational Hypnosis (ACH), and PSYCH-K which are techniques that have been referred to as a type of energy therapy. We have seen remarkable results from these Techniques, and they appear to have mental, spiritual, and physical benefits that have yet to be fully researched by the academic, medical, and psychological communities.
Please Note: Maria LiPuma is NOT a licensed health care provider, counselor, or psychotherapist. She offers her services as a self-help educator and Health Coach. She does not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. Mind-Body Nutrition, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Matrix Reimprinting, Energy in Motion, Advance Conversational Hypnosis or PSYCH-K are not a substitute for professional health care. Information provided in this website is for general education and not intended to replace qualified medical or psychological advice.
This Disclaimer was revised July 19, 2022
Contact Maria LiPuma